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Wise Woofs

Meet the Sweet, Wise & Noble Athena!

My baby’s name is Athena. She’s a German Shepherd, Husky mix and is a year old. I got her hoping to train her to become my service dog, but currently she’s my ESA. My great aunt gave her to me for Christmas, without telling my mom we were getting her,, which was an interesting surprise for her as well. She’s absolutely amazing with my younger cousins and will even play hide and seek with the youngest one and sometimes listens to her more than she does me.

Athena has been learning tons of tricks growing up. She’s loves to give nose boops, kisses, and highfives. This is how we greet each other and say bye every weekend when I go to college. She’s actually able to tell when it’s Friday that I’m on my way home because she gets more hyper. She also loves to sleep right up against me and we end up sharing my pillow.


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