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Wise Woofs

Meet Duchy Girl: The Best Dressed Pup on The Block

For some reason the editor at Wise Woofs told me I had to introduce myself but, lets be honest, everyone already knows who I am. I’m the star of the show. Some call me a fashionista, trend setter, Queen or the sweetest girl you’ll ever meet. I’m Duchess.

I’m six years old and the perfect bulldog in every way. I used to live on the streets of NYC where stars are born! Then, three years ago, I was rescued by my best friend Nicole. Now, I live a life of luxury!

My favorite thing to do is swim! Whenever mom grabs my life jacket and loads up her kayak, I know it’s going to be a great day. Sometimes we’ll go out on the kayak – I have a special spot where I sit right in the back – or we’ll go to the beach. I could swim for hours!

I also love to dress up. My mom always has an outfit prepared for every occasion and boy does she know my style! From Halloween costumes to pajamas and everyday swag, I always look stunning.

But, at the end of the day I need my beauty sleep. After a fun day with mom, I run back home to cuddle with dad. I’m a drooler but luckily, they don’t mind – at least I think they don’t.

Soon it won’t just be the three of us though! Mom has a beautiful bundle of joy on the way, and I can’t wait to add big sister to my list of accomplishments.

Nicole, LI

One Comment

  • Nancy says:

    Well isn’t she special! Duchess is adorable, very confident and clearly a very happy girl!

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