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Wise Woofs

Meet The Adventurer: Luna

Woof!! My name is Luna.  My life’s been quite the adventure.  I don’t know remember much about being a puppy or my early years, but I know they happened because I had a litter of my own pups!  Those were some tough, crazy times living in the streets of Houston, TX as a single parent.  One day some people came and scooped up my babies and me.  They gave us great food, comfy beds to sleep on, medication, and the coldest floor I had ever been on. It was the best upgrade I could dream of, and my pups were safe. I had no idea more upgrades were in my future. Shortly after I arrived at our shelter the little ones went on their way and a wonderful human took me to her home in Utah. I spent some time with those people until I met the love of my life and forever home with my person. The incredible Juliana.

She also lives in Utah, in a hip spot called Salt Lake City. Apparently, I moved in when I was 3 years old and have been here for 4 amazing years. They did a weird DNA test and found out I was a mix of a bunch of different cattle dogs all in one.  I couldn’t agree more, in mind, body and soul. I love going for big hikes to the top of mountains, camping, hitting up the local park and barking at other dogs who dare to step foot on my sidewalk.  As well as watching TV on the couch snuggled up safe and sound next to my boo. I share the house with Jack, a 10 year old Great Pyrenees mix and Misty, a 3 year old long hair car who smells funny. Jack is my emotional support animal. Another great part about this place I must mention is the food. I get Zucchini and Broccoli for days on end! I know, you’re jealous, it’s ok.  This is heaven on earth and I’m a happy girl.

Juliana - Salt Lake City, UT

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