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Wise Woofs

Gaps in Our Understanding

By January 9, 2022March 21st, 2022No Comments

Roadblocks for the Future and How to Fill in Pieces of the Puzzle

During a recent conversation about understanding dogs a K9 expert said, “We’re way behind the eight-ball when it comes to filling in pieces of the puzzle.” The study of dogs and our understanding is a constantly evolving process.  Some of the information presented now is certain to be updated and replaced due to advances in the field.  When students enter Medical School, they are often told, “Half of what you learn today will be proven wrong in 40 years.” Although, the internet plays a big role allowing communities to share findings instantly and here at Wise Woofs we want to be that bridge.

Some might ask, what’s the point of following advice given today if it is subject to change? We have learned quite a lot over time, accumulating a large library of data to work from. The information provided here is our best-informed effort to integrate recent advances in the field and change habits which have been proven faulty.  

One major hope of ours for current and future research is that a viable path opens to study dogs in their natural habitat. There are various aspects to studying the behavior of dogs in a lab which can produce irregular results despite the best of intentions and possible planning by canine behaviorists. This should increase the consistency of results across studies leading to advancements in the field that we can put into practice.

Here at Wise Woofs not only are we caring dog lovers and owners, we have a great team of researchers, veterinary technicians and canine specialists here to support you. We pledge to always provide the most up-to-date, accurate advancements in dog-research without compromising our values due to monetary influence to best help you and your dog share a wonderful life together.

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