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Wise Woofs

Preventing K9 Depression

By January 9, 2022July 12th, 2022No Comments

Having knowledge about canine depression can give you the upper hand when trying to provide your dog with a happy, fulfilling life. The great thing about protecting against depression is it’s not rocket science. In most instances preventative solutions are opposites to the causes of depression.  You might as well call this “the opposite article”. Our roles in preventing this illness align with everything we advocate for at Wise Woofs.  Healthy habits to get positive biochemicals flowing which support a positive mindset and experience of the world. As a veterinarian recently said “We are the captain of their ship” and responsible for well being.

The main way we can prevent mental illness in our dogs relates to manipulating environmental factors to provide them the best quality of life possible. This includes treating them with care in all aspects; such as creating a safe, enjoyable living routine and properly responding to any problems they can’t solve alone. This can include giving them their own little place, proper nutrition and spending quality time with them. In the process this activates juicy, depression hating biochemicals such as serotonin and dopamine that our bodies love so much.  

Living in a neglectful environment with little company or stimulation is not the way us humans or dogs were meant to operate. Extensive isolation or neglect often leads to stress, anxiety and depression.  If unable to spend as much time with your dog as you’d like, consider alternative solutions such as a dog walker/sitter or bringing them to a doggy daycare where they’ll receive tons of exercise, socialization and attention. Healthy eating habits for your dog are also an important part of this equation since they also reduce the risk for medical illness. 

Physical illness is no fun itself and creates vulnerability for mental illness. When our bodies aren’t feeling well the mind tends to follow. Making sure your canine is taking in the right food in the right amounts allows their physical health to thrive. For example, going on longer walks or adventuring in the community beyond the confines of a yard can reduce canine healthcare costs and accrue substantial disease prevention (Bauman, 2001). Spending more time with your canine also allows them to flourish in your love! Probably the most important aspect of all. Our pups want nothing more than to make us happy and showing them the mutual love on a deep level has the greatest impact. As they say in psychology, the antidote to depression is connection. It’s a big reason why many of us have dogs to begin with and we certainly owe our dogs more than a passing pat on the head to show our gratitude for them.

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