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Wise Woofs

Treating K9 Depression

By January 9, 2022March 15th, 2022No Comments

Addressing Canine Depression can seem like a difficult, confusing process. However, with the right assortment of treatments, your dog will be feeling itself in no time! There are many options available on the market so it’s critical to analyze all aspects of the situation and team up with a professional to choose the right solution. Lifestyle changes and certain medications are some of the main tools we use to tackle depression. 

Lifestyle changes 

Changing your dog’s environment can help them cope with you being gone for the day. John Ciribassi, DVM, past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior, recommends more physical interaction with your dog to build a stronger connection between you both. More interactions can include: 

  • Going for a walk 
  • More exercise 
  • Cuddling 
  • Trip to a dog park 
  • Playing a game 
  • Ride in the car
  • Exploring a new place 

Encourage positivity when you both are together and treat them often!  If symptoms of depression began after the loss of another dog in the house, bringing in a new dog can often help provide companionship and stimulation that supports your dog who is struggling. This will decrease the amount of times your canine may experience negative thoughts or feelings. If your dogs still show symptoms of depression with these lifestyle changes, it may be time to research possible medications. 

Homeopathic Treatments

In addition to spending extra quality time, consider using homeopathic treatments to promote biochemical reactions that are related to happiness. Homeopathic medicine can include the use of herbs and select plants that can help alleviate physical and mental illnesses. Herbal remedies contain vital proteins and amino acids that can boost the immune and nervous system of your dog’s body. For more information, click HERE to learn more about specific herbs and their benefits. You also want to be mindful of the dosage and product you are giving your pup, in the wrong dosage or combination some of these can have adverse effects. Always check with your veterinarian before starting any new medications. 


If changing the environment or homeopathic treatments for your dog doesn’t help, it may be necessary to research possible medications for canine depression. Canine medications should not be taken as a first resort solution, but rather a last one. These medications often require many months of usage and have their respective side effects. The most popular canine medication is known as Prozac, clinically known as Fluoxetine. This is a drug antidepressant used to treat behavioral disorders in dogs. Prozac is administered in the form of a pill and can be consumed with or without food. Results and noticeable changes can take up to a few weeks. If utilizing a medication like this it’s important to maintain consistency when providing the medication as well as patience to see positive results. Common side effects of Prozac include: 

  • sleepiness 
  • decreased appetite 
  • nausea
  • vomiting 

Another, more intense drug that is sometimes used to treat depression is Trazodone. This drug is a Serotonin modulator which tries to maintain healthy levels of neurotransmitters. Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter associated with many conditions but most importantly happiness. Trazodone is also used as a sedative which is one reason why we at Wise Woofs have concerns about this treatment for depression compared to others. Having a drowsy dog may alleviate anxiety but rob our canine from some of it’s natural vitality. Common side effects of Trazodone include: 

  • Headache 
  • Loss of taste 
  • Vomiting 
  • Constipation
  • Tiredness

It is also worth noting that Trazodone is not approved by the FDA, due to the level of risk associated with contracting serotonin syndrome which is essentially an overdose of serotonin that has the potential to result in death.  If a Veterinarian suggests using Trazodone for depression we recommend an intensive analysis of its pro’s, con’s, and other available options.

There are many options as to treating your dog’s depression including changing lifestyles, homeopathic treatments and medicinal drugs but all have their strengths and weaknesses. It is important to do your own research to find what will work for your canine.

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