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Wise Woofs

Geographic Risk of Diseases

By January 9, 2022March 19th, 2022No Comments

We have spoken about a range of diseases within the Canine Vaccine section. One of the things mentioned in both core and non-core vaccines was the impact of geographic location on risk for disease. Within this article we will outline where these diseases are most commonly found.  It’s important to note that diseases can spread from other wild species. Even if they do not have a large wild dog population, any increase in wildlife can put your pup at risk. Locations with larger wild dog populations also have a higher chance of spreading disease. 

DiseaseDomestic (U.S.)International
ParvoNo single state is known for having extreme numbers of cases.Countries with larger wild dog populations have a higher chance of parvo spreading between canines: Russia, India, Africa and Philippines.
DistemperCA and TX had a large outbreak in 2021. Distemper was also recorded in MD, AK, AZ, VA, CO, IL and OK. While distemper can be seen in any state of the US, chances are higher in states with recorded cases.Countries with larger wild dog populations have a higher chance of distemper spreading between canines: Russia, India, Africa, and Philippines.
Dog Flu

**Los Angeles saw a large outbreak of dog flu in 2021.
There are cases of dog flu reported in every state of America EXCEPT ND, NE, AK and HI. However, Some states only contain records for one strain rather than both. 
H3N8 is the only strain reported in: NV, UT, KS, OK, AR, MS, VA and NH. 
H3N2 is the only strain reported in: MI and MN. 
All states not listed (excluding ND, NE, AK, HI) have reported cases of BOTH H3N8 and H3N2.
Beyond the United States, dog flu cases have been reported worldwide extending to South Korea, China, Thailand, and Canada.
RabiesDue to the requirement of domestic animals to receive the rabies vaccine in the US, cases are rare. However, in 2021 two dogs, one in MI and one in NC tested positive for rabies. There were other reports in the US of rabies found in dogs who had been imported for adoption. For all species over 30 states in the US in the last 6 months have reported cases of rabies.Beyond the US, in 2021 there have been reported cases of canine rabies in Canada, South America, Africa, Armenia, Pakistan, India, China, Australia, France, Malaysia and the Philippines.
BordetellaWhile every state in the US sees cases of Bordetella the states with the most cases include VT, WI, AK and ME.America, India, Russian Federation, China and Australia are the top contributors per year for Bordetella cases.
AdenovirusNot one state in particular is most commonly known for canine adenovirus outbreaks.Canine Adenovirus is found worldwide, but is most common in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Brazil and Europe.
CovidCanine covid has not been commonly found in one specific location of the United States.Canine covid has not been commonly found in one specific location of the world.
HerpesAll states are possible locations for herpes.Europe has been known to have some herpes outbreaks but not necessary in the recent years. Europe however does have a canine vaccine for herpes.
CrotalidCrotalid Vaccine aims to neutralize some venom from a rattlesnake. Western Rattlesnakes are commonly found in CA, NV, AZ, TX, NM. Eastern Rattlesnakes found in FL, NC, SC, AL, MS,and LA.Rattlesnakes are mostly found in the Americas. Including North and South America. Rattlesnakes have been found from Mexico to Argentina, however, they are most commonly found in the southwest North America and North Mexico.

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