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Wise Woofs

Cannabinoid System In Dogs

By January 9, 2022April 12th, 2022No Comments

With the advancement of modern medicine, we have come to understand more about the medicinal properties of marijuana and how it can positively interact with certain systems in our bodies. For example, the endocannabinoid system, functions in maintaining homeostasis and can be found in nearly all animals. This process is a crucial part of keeping the body in a state of equilibrium. The endocannabinoid system is made up of three parts: cannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors and enzymes. 

There are three kinds of cannabinoids that are capable of binding with cannabinoid receptors. These include endocannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids and phytocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are signaling molecules made by the body in response to change. Phytocannabinoids are plant-based and are mostly derived from Cannabis sativa L. and a few other sources. These include both cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Synthetic cannabinoids are man-made chemicals that are still capable of binding to receptors. All of them are capable of triggering the reward system in the brain.

Dogs are known to have more cannabinoid receptors than humans. This makes them more susceptible to the effects of different cannabinoids. Cannabinoid Receptor 1 (CB1) and Cannabinoid Receptor 2 (CB2) are the two main receptors. These receptors can be found throughout the body, and are responsible for activating the endocannabinoid system when bound to a cannabinoid.

After cannabinoids and receptors have completed their jobs, cannabinoids must be broken down in the body by enzymes, which are responsible for speeding up chemical reactions in the body. This prevents overcorrecting when the endocannabinoid system is trying to maintain homeostasis. As a result, the use of phytocannabinoids, like CBD and THC, are believed to be able to help manage stress responses. 

CBD has been used as a treatment for a variety of ailments, such as pain management, anxiety, inflammation and more. For more information on possible medicinal uses for CBD check out our other articles here.

If you are just getting started with using CBD for your dog’s treatment, check out our Do’s and Don’ts article.

However, be sure to consult your Veterinarian prior to starting your dog on CBD. It is important to be aware of CBD + THC, and the psychoactive effects of THC alone. For more information on the benefits and effects of THC in dogs, link here

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