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Wise Woofs

Dogs + CBD: Dosage Tips

By January 9, 2022April 12th, 2022No Comments

One overwhelming theme across studies about CBD is the benefit of administering proper dosage amounts to achieve optimal results. When it comes to giving CBD to your canine friend, it is crucial to discuss with your Veterinarian to ensure this is the best option for your dog. While it is always important to DO your own research, consulting a Veterinarian will help ensure your dog’s safety moving forward. 

Evidence suggests that using CBD supplementation has shown little to no side effects in dogs. A commonly seen dosage of CBD is 2 to 2.5 mg/kg (milligrams/kilograms) twice daily (orally for 4 to 12 weeks), but has been shown to be safe at higher doses (5 to 10 mg/kg twice daily for 6 weeks) without affecting a dog’s daily activities. As always, consult your Veterinarian about dosages specific to your dog.

As your dog’s body acclimates to the substance it will respond appropriately by developing a tolerance and activating CBD receptors.  Therefore, a good general strategy for dosage is to start small and increase every few days until a long term dosage that correlates to your dog’s illness is appropriate in our opinion. Hemp oil (which contains CBD) has been well tolerated in beagles with doses up to 20 mg/kg/day for up to 6 weeks. CBD oil may contain trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive component in cannabis. However, these trace amounts are not enough for your dog to experience psychoactive effects. 

CBD, when taken orally, has been shown to be not only safe but also to be the most effective way to administer the drug. DON’T allow your dog to ingest large amounts of THC, as THC can be toxic. Oral tolerance to THC can be achieved with small doses of about 0.05 – 0.1 mg/kg twice daily by mouth. Developing a tolerance in your dog will help avoid the neurological response known as “Static Ataxia,” which is a phenomenon that causes dogs to stumble around as though they were intoxicated. Using a CBD:THC ratio mix will help in the toleration process. Dogs have handled a 1:20 ratio of THC:CBD well in low and medium doses (up to 12 mg/kg CBD + 8 mg/kg THC). Some dogs receiving doses higher than 12 mg/kg CBD + 8 mg/kg THC exhibited coordination issues or lethargy, but symptoms resolved after 9 to 28 hours. 

CBD has been found to modify the effects of THC when both substances are used in conjunction. In some studies, the use of these two components together has amplified its psychoactive effects. Certain enzymes in the body are responsible for metabolizing CBD and THC, though there is some concern that the use of both components with other drugs that are also metabolized through the same pathway may alter how the body responds to the drugs. If your dog is on other medications, DON’T provide CBD without consulting your Vet about possible drug interactions. For pet parents who have run out of options to help alleviate their dog’s condition and are considering administering THC in regular doses, click here to learn more about safe medicinal use and minimizing negative side effects.

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