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Wise Woofs

Natural ways to Alleviate Separation Anxiety

By March 4, 2022April 12th, 2022No Comments

Separation anxiety has been described as a behavior syndrome in dogs that can be characterized by visible distress signs when the dog is left alone. Behavioral distress signs typically appear as destructiveness, hyperventilation, vomiting, hypersalivation, urination or diarrhea. Separation anxiety often results from an overly strong social bond with a dog’s owner. Oftentimes this has been termed as “hyper-attachment” or “overattachment” to describe constant attention seeking behaviors. This is especially evident if a dog has constant contact with its owner when the owner is home. Problems may become destructive when the dog is left alone for long periods of time. Additionally, anxiety may be induced as a dog experiences sudden and dramatic changes within its environment. Dogs are super social species! They want to be close to their humans. Dogs with separation anxiety just need a little extra help overcoming their fears.

Olfactory Enrichment:

Olfactory enrichment, sense of smell, can serve as one simple way to help calm your older dogs when they get anxious. It’s important to note that puppies should not be exposed to essential oils because the potent scent can damage their olfactory systems if not fully developed.

Some types of aromatherapy may include essential oils or dog appeasing pheromones (DAP). When it comes to using essential oils to treat separation anxiety, please be aware that some essential oils are toxic to dogs. These can include eucalyptus, tea tree oil, cinnamon, citrus, peppermint and more. Be sure to research the various effects of specific essential oils on dogs prior to use.  

One of the most popular and researched essential oils, especially in the context of anxiety, is lavender. In a 2020 study, “Effects of Olfactory and Auditory Enrichment on the Behaviour of Shelter Dogs,” performed by the Centre for Animal Welfare and Ethics and Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, lavender showed potential in calming a dog even more if they were at rest. Lavender essential oils have been associated with increased relaxation in humans, and have been shown to help shelter dogs spend more time resting in their kennels.

Dog appeasing pheromones (DAP) have also shown promising results in calming anxious pups. These are synthetic compounds based on fatty acids that are secreted by mammary glands of female dogs after giving birth. The synthetic form of natural DAP can be used to calm dogs facing separation anxiety. In a 2010 study, “Efficacy of dog-appeasing pheromone (DAP) for ameliorating separation-related behavioral signs in hospitalized dogs,” the use of DAP could decrease separation anxiety and stress in hospitalized dogs, helping in their recovery. 

Additionally, research showed DAP helped to reduce undesirable behaviors in dogs, and resulted in fewer adverse effects than in dogs treated with clomipramine, a type of antidepressant. Dogs treated with DAP displayed more restful behavior overall.

Olfactory enrichment can best be accomplished through dispensaries placed in an area where a dog spends the most time. This could be next to a kennel or in a room if a dog is allowed to roam free when the owner is away. Some studies used collars to dispense the auromas. Placing a diluted drop of a non-toxic type of essential oil like lavender on the back of a dog’s neck is one of our favorite ways to keep an essential oil and it’s benefits close to a dog all day. 

Olfactory enrichment is a suitable option for many anxiety related disorders. It can be safely and easily integrated into your canine care routine along with other behavioral training techniques to best encourage a happy, healthy state of mind in your dog! 

Auditory Enrichment:

Auditory enrichment is another useful form of sensory enrichment that can be used to calm down animals, and it can easily be applied in different environments. Music has shown to have psychophysiological effects in humans, and has been used as a form of therapy. Auditory enrichment can take various forms such as conversations, the familiar sound of the owner’s voice and diverse genres of music, all have demonstrated positive effects on anxious dogs.

According to the 2020 study, there was a noticeable reduction in stress-related behaviors in shelter dogs when exposed to music in daily three hour periods. In this specific study, piano was the main instrument used, and each track had a maximum tempo of 70 beats per minute. This was done in an attempt to decrease dogs’ normal resting heart rate which can reflect internal activity and excitement levels. Additionally, songs with low valence and low intensity were chosen to help induce lower heart rates in pups. Songs were simply played from a speaker at 70 dB for the designated time, proving that music is a powerful tool when it comes to anxiety. 

In a 2016 study, “Evaluation of effects of olfactory and auditory stimulation on separation anxiety by salivary cortisol measurement in dogs,” by Yoon-Joo Shin and Nam-Shik Shin, dogs were observed to determine if hearing their owner’s voice would have an effect on their separation anxiety. Saliva samples were taken at different times throughout the test to measure cortisol concentration in order to determine the dog’s stress levels. A recording of their owner’s voice would play throughout the separation period and after 20 minutes the owner would return. While stress levels increased immediately after their owner’s departure, hearing their owner’s voice decreased stress levels throughout the separation period.

If you own a smart speaker, consider having a playlist on repeat throughout your period of absence from your pup. That way the music or voice recording can be controlled remotely. Youtube also has relaxation playlists available that can be played for long periods of time on a computer or smart TV. Wise Woofs, along with other research teams, are looking deeper into which genres of music are most suitable for decreasing dog anxiety and why. Additionally, there are product options for interactive cameras that allow you to talk to your pet remotely while watching them on camera from your phone. Some products even allow you to dispense treats remotely, making your pup feel like you are not far away! 

Overall, both olfactory and auditory enrichment offer promising results for dogs suffering from separation anxiety. Unfortunately, due to the difficult behavior that is often exhibited by dogs plagued with separation anxiety, many pups are abandoned by their owners. Other times, dogs suffer from unwanted side effects from anti-anxiety medications. If your dog is showing signs of separation anxiety, explore incorporating safe essential oils, dog-appeasing pheromones or auditory options to help your wise woof feel relaxed again.

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