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Wise Woofs

How to Avoid a Crappy Lawn

By January 10, 2022March 21st, 2022No Comments

There’s nothing more rewarding than giving your lawn a hefty dose of TLC only to find brown spots emerge where our companions like to relieve themselves. As time goes on it’s no secret where our dogs release their waste nor fun compared to the lush greenery that we envisioned our yards turning into.  So, what causes this problem and what can we do to fix it?  Number one and number two – Let’s start with one. 

#1: Ignore this issue = urine danger for grass. Damage to the yard from pee is caused by its high concentration of nitrogen, which is full of salts that suck water out of plant cells leading to dehydration.  Result: dead pee-colored spots of grass. While nitrogen can be good for grass growth, moderation is key and dog urine is potent. Adding to the issue they tend to urinate in the same areas, especially females.  Larger dog = larger bladder = larger nitrogen infusion.

There are two solutions we recommend to alleviate the issue. Option A, take a spray bottle and spread water over the area your dog pees in after it goes. This dilutes the nitrogen to acceptable levels causing it to spread out within the soil.  There are also a variety of K9 specific grass seeds that have been created to counter the chemicals. This is easier to maintain however you’ll only be able to find which spots need help once the damage has occurred. While recognizing the passion of lawn-care enthusiasts, we strongly oppose dietary changes related to protein levels.  We do not understand why some lawncare publications suggest this method. Sod is replaceable, our dog’s health and unique bond with us are not.

#2: Pick up your dog’s poop!!  As fecal matter naturally degrades its contents change and become toxic when exposed to the air. While matured compost can provide fertile ground for plants individual dog poos do not.  It takes up to a year for complete degradation and in the process creates a healthy environment for a variety of algae and molds instead of grass. The toxins created are released in all directions polluting the air, sod, and potentially water sources. Creating an open invitation for critters to camp out in your yard due to the constant food source. You might even find your own mature dog developing a taste for feces that turn their kisses into another story. Are we getting gross yet?

So, do yourself a favor and take a proactive stance towards maintaining your lawn. Pick up a quality pooper scooper for regular use. Like many things in life, this is one problem that can be prevented with follow through and gets worse with time when ignored.

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