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Wise Woofs

Choosing a Puppy

By March 6, 2022March 24th, 2022No Comments

Now that you’ve made the decision to get a puppy, it’s important to choose the right one! Puppies come in various different breeds with varying intrinsic traits. Factors that should be considered when choosing a pup include: home size, time allowance for play and exercise, healthcare costs and what traits you want your dog to have.  Doing research ahead of time will pay off in the long run and increase the likelihood you choose a dog that fits your lifestyle and personality. Talking to the breeder or owner can allow you to understand a puppy’s personal traits. Observing their behavior with littermates can also offer more insight. Make sure the pup is healthy and looks well enough to be adopted. There’s no reason to rush into a puppy. Take the necessary time  that provides more opportunities to get the puppy that’s right for you! Listed below are some tips to help you on that journey.

Type of Puppy

There are many different types of dogs, so you should conduct your own research to find a puppy that offers you a balance of enjoyment, time and energy investment. Before visiting an adoption center or breeder, ask yourself what you are looking for in your potential new pup, “Do I want a high-maintenance dog? Low-maintenance? How much money am I willing to spend? Do I want an attention-seeking dog or more independent companion?”

If you have kids and visitors frequently, then getting a friendlier dog is likely a smart move. It all depends on what you are looking for when you make this commitment. Grooming and shedding are other considerations for many people, as well as hypo-allergenic dog breeds. It is also worth noting the lifespan of various breeds can differ greatly.

The questions you ask and the research you do should empower you with the knowledge to decide what you are looking for. These are just some of the questions that can lead you to the right puppy.

Choosing the Right Source

Finding a credible breeder can make the process of getting a healthy pup much easier. If you are looking for a purebred, the internet is probably your best resource to compare priorities of different breeders. The best breeders will only offer you a choice of one to three pups that best fit your lifestyle.  They know the puppies and their individual traits better than anyone else. A lot of trust goes into this process so if you choose a top breeder rely on their expertise. At Wise Woofs we do not feel the need to place value on the “first pick of the litter”. Once you find a place you are comfortable with, go on a visit and take a look around the facility if possible. Are they treating their animals well? Do they look healthy? Once you find a puppy, it would be wise to know that it came from a good environment.

Researching rescue organizations is also helpful and currently improving practices with a priority to find dogs forever homes they will thrive in. A lot of dog owners choose to adopt from pet-rescue organizations. This can be a rewarding experience, both physically and emotionally. The tradeoff is you often have limited information related to the dog’s lineage, genetics and medical history.

Healthy Physical Appearance

One element to consider when choosing a puppy is its appearance. The appearance of a puppy may indicate health issues or vulnerabilities. Ask informative questions to get answers on any issue you are concerned about.  This is a big decision. Try to have the puppy move around in space to see if there are any signs of pain. A puppy’s coat of skin should not show any signs of hair loss, redness nor flaking. Its eyes should be clear with no redness or drainage. There also should not be any signs of hair loss nor should their ears have a foul odor smell. A puppy should be able to breathe relatively easily through their nose. Slightly clear discharge at the nose is normal, but if there is too much or colored discharge this can indicate a health problem. Looking inside their mouths should yield pink gums. Teeth formation can vary between types of puppies. It’s important to take your puppy to the vet for a “pre-purchase exam” and ensure the breeder has a policy to take back unhealthy dogs at the time of purchase.

Observing Behavior

Choosing a puppy that matches your personality will help the longevity of your relationship and help contribute to a healthy-intimate one too! Once you find a puppy that interests you, observe its behavior. Is the pup playful? Curious? Confident? Are there signs of anxiety? How is the pup’s relationship with its littermates? How does the dog react to humans? These questions will help you get a better idea of how your pet will act in the home with your family, and other dogs in the future.

Energy levels among puppies are often consistent throughout their lifetime. Having a keen eye for this can help you recognize if you’re choosing an athlete or a cuddlebug. Puppies are delicate and fragile so it’s important to be careful when handling them. Personalities also change with age, so just because they won’t open up in a given moment of a 30 minute window during a visit is not an accurate representation of their temperament. As long as you treat this relationship with love and respect, your puppy will reciprocate that energy!

The Time Has Come!

There are many factors to consider when getting a new puppy. This  includes: type, physical health, allowance for play/exercise and temperament. Having a clear plan prior to visiting any puppies can streamline this process and ensure you find the right partner! Making an informed decision is much more beneficial for both dog and human than choosing based on puppy-love-at-first-sight. Start by asking yourself some vital questions, as discussed in this article. After determining what you’re looking for in a dog go check out a shelter or search for a reputable breeder and begin the journey of a lifetime. Good luck!

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