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Wise Woofs
Senior Care

Saying Goodbye: Part 2

By January 9, 2022March 8th, 2022No Comments

This page is for those who have just lost a dog. We are sincerely sorry the journey came to an end. Right now  is one of the most difficult parts. There’s no right or wrong way to feel right now, shock is a likely reaction along with sadness, sometimes a bit of relief if your dog has been suffering for an extended time.  Whatever you are feeling, we recommend embracing it. Take things slow. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel. The reaction to losing a beloved dog is individual,  it can be one of the more impactful moments in life and always requires an adjustment. Be patient in that adjustment period and listen to your body for instructions on the next steps.  

A dog’s love and bond with its pack lives on in memory. Many of us believe their spirit continues to live on and watch over us as well. It’s tragic we don’t get more time with them but it’s a factor we only have so much control over.  For those who may be feeling extra down, please remember, it wouldn’t hurt so much if something so beautiful and valuable wasn’t lost. Our dog’s presence in our lives is a gift. They certainly want us to remember all the good things we learned along the ride and take that forward wherever our path leads next.

With that we encourage you to remember our loved ones will walk over the rainbow bridge only to be reunited with us one day.

Pet Goodbye poem

You no longer greet me, 

As I walk through the door.

You’re not there to make me smile,

To make me laugh anymore.

Life seems so quiet without you,

You were more than a pet,

A family member, a friend,

A loving soul I’ll never forget.

It will take time to heal-

For the silence to go away.

I still listen for you,

And miss you everyday. 

You were such a great companion,

Constant, loyal and true.

My heart will always wear

The pawprints left by you.

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