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Wise Woofs


By October 29, 2021March 8th, 2022One Comment

Here at Wise Woofs, we take the path less traveled to provide the most up to date, useful information for enriching our experience with dogs.  All the material found on this site comes from decades of experience, a forward-thinking perspective, current science and honest assessments of habits.  The historical online ecosystem for K9 education has been fragmented, often between health and training related focuses.  In reality these aspects of a dog are entirely related. We seek to bridge that gap.  We believe in a commitment to quality and community.  There are countless ways to enjoy a wonderful, silly, loving life with your dog.  Isn’t that what they bring to us in the 1st place? 

We recognize a “1 size fits all” approach is not realistic to life nor this diverse community.  Our goal is to provide you with quality information and guidance so you can make the best choices for your lifestyle.  We’re all about rolling with it and getting a little weird from time to time since our dogs are probably the only one watching.  Embarrassment isn’t in their vocabulary.  We hope this content provides owners, professionals and researchers with extra tools to repay the love and bring out the inner wise woofs in their pack.  So put your paws up and get comfortable, welcome to the Wise World of Woofology!

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