Meet the Wise Woofs Team!

A special thanks to family and friends for their loving support.
Also, Christine Scattergood for introducing me to a new way of sharing life with dogs.
Lee Thomas, Founder of Wise Woofs

Kaustov Chakrabarti

Mental Health, Anatomy, Perception

Lia Crenshaw

Video Editor

Stephanie Daughtrey

Senior Resesrcher

Chaitanya Ghule

Health Impact on Humans

River Hoffman

Website Creator

Shannon Karabaic

Cognition, Neuroscience, Vaccines, Nutrition

Colleen Killoren

Legal Assistant

Kiyas Kousoulas

History of Dogs, Breeder’s Den

Katie Johnson

Graphic Design

Jessica LaVopa

Lead Editor

Garrett Ludwig

Video Editor

Mark Romeo

Exercise Impacts, Behavior, Training

Lee Thomas


Rachel Trunoung

Legal Intern

Jillian Weidner

Homeopathic Remedies, Social Media