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Wise Woofs

Meet Sophie: The Incredibly Wise Chocolate Lab

Hi, my name is Sophie woof! I’m a 13 year old incredibly wise Chocolate Lab who resides just north of New York City. For the most part my life has been all roses. Pun intended, roses are my favorite flower. I work together with my two favorite humans, Diane & Uncle Jim, to hold down the property, help with landscaping (mulch is yummy), eating berries from the garden in summertime, all while taking care of the emotional needs of my humans. It’s a lot of responsibility but I love what I do and my humans.

Besides taking care of my people I have hobbies too!! My absolute favorite is escaping the house for solo hikes when Uncle Jim is away doing “work” or looking away for five seconds. It gives me the chance to meet all our neighbors and take in some heavenly smell spots close by. My body is slowing down but I still managed a solo hike a few days ago. We played hide and seek until I let the humans win just to give them an ego boost. I could’ve stayed out there for hours.

Tennis balls are another serious passion. When it comes to fetch I’m one of the best. Still not sure why I never got a call from the Mets to play outfield. I also love other nice woofs. My main mentor was another lab named Andy as well as the founding mothers & father of Wise Woofs; Jasmine, Harry and Maya.

Lastly, I’m an enthusiastic foodie!! People call me the perfect taste tester since I’ll eat just about anything. Some of favorites are apples, bananas, almond butter, blueberries, gooseberries, yogurt and anything on someone else’s plate.  By the way, why hasn’t tree bark made it to the grocery stores? A true delicacy in my opinion.

Overall, I have a very fun life with my humans and their my bestfriends. I’m also one of the prettiest Chocolate labs you’ll ever see, I should be in beauty contests. Now if you’ll excuse me, I smell something delectable over at the neighbors house, got to run!

Jim, NY

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