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Wise Woofs

Meet Tara and Ceasar: Opposites Attract!


My name’s Ceasar, if you couldn’t already tell, I’m a Pug. Although some people mistake me for a German Shepard. I guess it’s because of all this muscle I’m packing – honest mistake, I mean, look at me. 

I used to live in this horrible place called Petco until I was found by my sweet humans. I was only five years old when I got locked up in that place, but now I’m 14 and happy as can be! 

I love to sleep and eat all day long – remember, life’s a marathon, not a sprint! My sister is more energetic but, she’s a lot! 


Don’t listen to Ceasar, he’s just jealous. I’m the energetic life of the party, Tara! I’m a 12 year old Japanese chin! 

Me and my brother have different interests but I love him just the same. Jumping around and playing with my toys is at the top of my list everyday! And of course, annoying Ceasar. 

My favorite toy is my Kung fu stuffed Panda! People say we look alike but I don’t really see it. I’m obviously cuter then that panda.

Rebecca, LI

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