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Wise Woofs

Meet Lug: Also Known as Snowy!

My name is Lug. I’m an 18 and a half year old bichon frise that enjoys getting into trouble. My family used to call me snowy when I was a very distinguished young man. But, now that I’m older I’ve decided to go a more mischievous route. Even though I turned to the dark side, I’m still pretty lazy hence the nickname, Lug. 

My loving family got me back in 2004 from a breeder in upstate NY. 

As a young pup, I loved running around the block, playing with toys, and bothering the cat. Now that many years have passed you can find me cuddled up in bed taking one of my famous six daily naps or bothering the cat… some things never change. 

Although age has affected my physical being, I’m still sharp as a tack! I was actually able to pull a classic joke on everyone because of it! My master plan started by not using the family room as much and I pretended that I couldn’t get on the couch. Ha! Boy did I have them fooled, they didn’t even think I could make it up the stairs. They have no clue I have a secret stash of snacks saved for later in those exact spots. Half a bagel, a bag of chips and a frozen waffle – what else could a dog need! 

Although I’m partially deaf and blind, nothing gets past me! I have a spunky attitude and my blissful presence radidates nothing but joy. My family keeps me young, and I hope I do the same for them. They can always catch me wagging my tail, smiling big or eating something I shouldn’t be. Ooops.

Shannon, NY

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