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Wise Woofs

Meet The Golden Girl: Cassie Jo

Cassie Jo is an 11-year-old purebred golden retriever. Most people don’t believe us when we tell them this because her curls are one of the first things they notice. Goldens typically have straighter hair, one of many things that makes Cassie Jo so unique! She was also the only puppy in her litter born without any white patches of fur. As she’s grown older, she’s developed the gray and white hair you can see around her mouth and in her eyelashes, but she’s still the prettiest dog in the world.

This sweet girl is one of the most energetic AND sleepiest dogs I know. For being 11 years old, she is such a bundle of energy! Every time we mention the word “walk,” she starts jumping up and down, and then bolts to the stairs and jumps down the last three of the six steps. She’s done that since she was a puppy, and I don’t see it stopping anytime soon. The other 23 hours of the day, she’s letting out content sighs in her sleep, glaring at us when we’re in her spot on the couch, and giving us the sweetest puppy eyes to convince us to give her all of our food– she usually succeeds.

There was one time her big brother’s feet were in her spot on the couch, but he was out cold. So she looked at the spot, looked at me, looked back at the spot, back at me, and sighed. She stood there for about 5 minutes before she sighed again and looked back at me. I moved to make room for her on a different spot on the couch but she was unimpressed. Her sights were set on the occupied spot. My family and I were trying not to burst out laughing so we wouldn’t wake up my brother, but that was difficult considering our usually sweet dog wouldn’t stop glaring at his feet! Our goofy girl is stubborn when it comes to her sleeping spots.

At heart Cassie Jo is a big, spoiled baby, and we wouldn’t trade her for the world!

Brady & Briana - Roberts, WI

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