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Wise Woofs

Jasmine: aka Jas, Jazzy Jupkins, The Beautiful Princess, Marshmallow, Windshield Wiper Tail

My name is Jasmine. Aka jas, jazzy jumpkins, the beautiful princess and marshmallow.  Now an official angel. I’m an OG Wise Woof along with my brother Harry and sister Maya. We taught the founder of Wise Woofs many life lessons. Most importantly the beauty of having dogs in the picture and awesomeness we bring to the table.

In life I was a soft, sweet gentle soul.  Some might say the glue of the pack. Maya was busy trying to run the show while Harry was preoccupied with squirrels or smells from the trash or food from tipping over the trash.. I always stayed as far away as possible so when dad came home he knew my paws were clean. My job in the house was simply to give everyone love. With soft fur made for cuddling I loved to nestle with my pack. Especially one of my favorite humans, this guy with the loudest sneezes ever called grandpa. I’d get so excited snuggling with my humans it made me shake my butt like someone named Shakira and bought me another nickname, “Windshield Wiper Tail”. Other special memories include daily swimming adventures jumping from the ledge of pools into the deep end. Traveling the country seeing all new sights & people, adventuring as my person grew into “adulthood”.

Although I left my weary body after 12 years I always keep a close eye on my human. Averting him from disaster with my newfound superpowers or visiting through dreams bringing wet kisses. I found Maya up here and Harry joined us recently. It’s just like old times romping around together without any aches and pains that developed on earth. All that’s missing is our human.  He’s busy right now, on a mission to help other woofs teach their people lessons of the land like I did with him. I know the time will come when we see him walk over the rainbow bridge and officially reunite like the early days. Harry, Maya and I are planning the biggest greeting ever!!!!

Jasmine, Harry & Maya

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