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Wise Woofs

Queen of the Castle: Stella!

Hola Amigos!! I am the amazing Stella. A beautiful black Goldendoodle who’s an adult now, 3 years old. I live a luxurious life with my incredible family in sunny Florida, keeping the house in order and joining my people for trips around town.

Interestingly enough, they call my mom “Presidente” but everyone knows I’m the boss of the house. My family spoils me with love and lets me break the “rules”, whatever those are… Mom says she can yell at the kids but doesn’t have the heart to yell at me! What can I say.. I’m too sweet. Personally, I think clear communication is critical for a healthy relationship. That’s why I bark a lot. I’ve got to give my humans credit, they are great listeners and almost always get the message whether I need to go outside or have a snack. Speaking of food, my favorites are tamales and a piece of cheese when I can snag one. My family really knows how to cook so there are always amazing smells and treats in the kitchen.

While I like to live life to the fullest, I’m about more than just pleasure. My main job is to keep watch over the house and protect my pack. I’m a friendly girl but if anyone, or thing steps foot on our yard I will ensure the whole neighborhood knows about it. Just the other day some joker tried to walk through our property unseen, but I sounded the alarm. There’s no sneaking up on this crew with me around!! Other life goals include having deep conversations with a squirrel (the most fascinating and hard to track down creatures on the planet) as well as taking more naps in the bed. Time to get to work on those so I’ve got sign off.



Jimmy, Lety & family,

Jacksonville, FL

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