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Wise Woofs

Say Hi to the Lovely, Irresistible, Social Butterfly, Lucy!

This is Lucy, my gentle giant, snuggle buddy and best friend. Lucy is a two-year-old Pitbull, Mastiff and Bernese Mountain dog mix. Yes, she’s a big girl, and no she doesn’t realize how big she actually is. Lucy is constantly running around begging for hugs and kisses from whoever she meets and also insists on taking up the entire bed at night.

Not only is she a ray of sunshine around the house but Lucy brings a smile to everyone in the community. On her daily walks neighbors often look out for Lucy to give her pets or treats, often leaving me as an afterthought! Lucy is the star of the show and there’s no other way she would have it.

Some of her favorite things include running out her zoomies in the backyard, going for walks with my Dad and trying to save people from ‘drowning’ in the pool. Lucy tries to involve herself in everything even if I’m just watching a movie, she’ll sit down with me.

Lucy is a social butterfly, great company and my protector. She always stands guard at my window to see what’s going on and is always at my side when I need her. Although I’m sad the puppy stage is over it’s been great to watch her grow up.

Jessica - NY

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